Luggage Transport Service - AIRPORTELs Bangkok, Thailand

AIRPORTELs Luggage Transport Service in Bangkok Thailand

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For you

Luggage Transport Service in Bangkok

AIRPORTELs Luggage Transport Service  after your plane touches the runway. You could walk freely to any local attraction, shopping mall, or restaurant without carrying any heavy luggage.

Today, you can manage your time more efficiently by using our AIRPORTELs Luggage Transport Service  after your plane touches the runway. You could walk freely to any local attraction, shopping mall, or restaurant without carrying any heavy luggage. Our service also allows customers to carry just a notebook computer into the office for your important meeting. Even on the last day of the trip, customers can deposit the bag with the hotel and to travel around; your bag will be waiting for you at your destination. All that is required is your basic information and correct address, all of your luggage would be waiting at your desired airport.

Receive luggage at the airport
airports airport

No need for managing your heavy luggage! Just use AIRPORTELs Luggage Transport Service for your own courier assistant from the airport to the hotel or vice versa. Our service is safe and fast. Customers can deposit their luggage at Suvarnabhumi Airport or Don Muang Airport for as long as three days with each service purchase for free! Your luggage will be well taken care of with a 24-hour security service, giving you the time to tour or conduct businesses in a smooth, worthy of value, and worthy of time aspects


AIRPORTELs  Service Counter will provide

  • Free luggage Storage at MBK Shopping Center
  • Free luggage Storage at Suvarnabhumi Airport or Don Muang Airport for 3 days (Only valid for Luggage Transport’s Customer)
  • A maximum compensation of 100,000 baht
  • 24-hour security



  • Free luggage Storage Bangkok Service
  • Smart time management, allows you to manage your business and tourism plans efficiently
  • Easy to use luggage transport service through ‘booking online’ and other platforms
  • A 100% guarantee that the luggage will arrive safely at its destination
  • A compensation of 100,000 baht
  • Status checks or inquiries around the clock through Facebook, Line, or WeChat with regular stats updates notified by e-mail
  • Luggage Transport between Suvarnabhumi Airport and hotels, condominiums, or guesthouses in Bangkok area
  • Only 299 Baht with no limitations on weight, size, and distance!

More Luggage Transport Service information

Luggage Storage at BKK Airport

More infomation in  airport website

Do you know? What is your suitable way to airport?

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